Canaan's Rest

Canaan’s Rest represents a quiet place “set apart” for the purpose of hearing God's voice, growing in intimacy with the Lord, and being renewed in soul and spirit.

April 17, 2024

Dear Ones,

Hope you wake to a day of restoration.  We got lots of much needed rain yesterday, so everything is so fresh and green. Today I have exercise class, craft class (much like a coffee clutch) Bible study, Etc.

Devotions from Judy’s heart

When we look into the mirror, how do we see ourselves? Do we see blemishes, double chin, wrinkles, saggy skin, protruding stomach etc. We may say, “It is not a pretty picture!” But what about when we look into the Mirror of God’s word? What do we see there? Do we see ourselves as sinful and decrepit and full of selfishness and pettiness? Or do we see ourselves as a new creation” Paul says in II Cor. 5:17-18, “Whoever is a believer in Christ is a new creation. The old way of living has disappeared. A new way of living has come into existence. God has done all this. He has restored our relationship with Him through Christ and given us this ministry of restoring relationships.

Jesus has done for us all that we can’t do for ourselves. He has made us a new creation, and instead of seeing all the blemishes of our selfish lives, He makes us new in Him. We can’t be good enough on our own or ever earn our way, but He did it all if we will receive it from Him. It’s not about us trying hard and hoping to measure up but rather that we receive what He has done. We don’t need to let what we have done in our old life effect what we see in the mirror now. No, it is all about forgiveness and the Lord transforming us and making us new.

Of course it is all His grace to us. The enemy wants us to live with the old person in the mirror and tells us that is who we will always be. But the Lord tells us we are redeemed, we are made new, and forgiven as He sees us as if we have never sinned. We have only to look in the mirror of His mercy and give Him thanks and glory. Let us no longer let the lies of the enemy rob us but celebrate that we are recreated and have begun a new life.

Challenge for today: Don’t ruminate over your flaws but look into the mirror of His Word that tells you again that you are made new.

Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

April 16,2024

Dear Ones,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Hope you have a day of feasting on soul food! The worst did happen yesterday, and my computer was sent in to be fixed and won’t be back for 2 or 3 weeks. Al is sharing his with me in the meantime. PTL! When I went to the Computer Dr. he suggested sending it in as I am still under my warranty.  He remarked that they see so many having the same trouble and my screen may be damaged too. Today I am going to Aldi’s and to Women’s Bible study .                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Devotions from Judy’s heart                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       I will confess I love to eat! After waking and spending time with the Lord, my next thought is what am I going to make for Al and myself to eat today? Or what might I choose to bake? I love the aromas that fills our apartment and look forward to dinner time. But daily, there is more important food that we should be partaking of and that is food for our soul. There are many things that will help us to feed richly, and we should pay attention to the hunger of our souls. I am reading, “Crossing the Desert” and Robert Wick writes how we can feed our souls.

Being thankful is like a door that opens the doors of our souls and softens us, even when things are not going as we would like. The more we recognize God’s grace in our lives, the more gratitude fills our souls, and we can be thankful for all things. Wick also mentions internal simplicity that helps us relax and see everything as a gift and not concerned about things beyond our control. Our souls can be fed if we have a listening spirit that is open and eager to learn and not have a preconceived view. Even our own vulnerabilities can teach us if we are willing and will give us new perspectives. Our greatest vulnerability of course is death, and we must remember that we are all in the process of dying and as we face that, it should help us know how to live. Of course, good soul feeding is the Word and as we hear and read and store the Word in our hearts, it has power to change us. Meditating on the Bible in a prayerful way and memorizing scriptures can bring radical change to us. It is good to always be asking what it is saying to us so we can live it. Prayerfulness is vitally important for our souls and will leave us to be spiritually hungry always for more.

I am reminded of a hymn by William Williams in 1745 who wrote:

“Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah, pilgrim through this barren land. I am weak but Thou are mighty; hold me with thy powerful hand. Bread of heaven, bread of heaven, feed me til I want no more; feed me til I want no more.”

Challenge for today: Be open to the new ways to satisfy the hunger of your soul.

Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy


Have you ever heard of the F3Nation?  It was new to me.  I read an article in The Stream by Dr. Jeff Gardner about this new movement among men.  He noted how men are not doing very well today.  He gives this warning, “Although some feminists see the battle of the sexes as a zero-sum game, that is, what’s bad for men is good for women, the beat-down of the American male is trouble for both men and women.”  He believes, “The bottom line is as men go, so goes the country.  And as of 2024, things are not going well.”

He points to members of F3Nation, “trying to do something about the assault on the American male, helping their fellowman get back and on his feet.”  F3Nation was started in 2011 in Charlotte, North Carolina to encourage, “men to get together and exercise, usually a boot camp-style workout held early in the morning, always without charge and almost always outside.”  The movement, F3Nation, takes its name from three foundational elements that all men need: Fitness, Fellowship and Faith. 

The movement is intended to help men get out from under the “sad clown syndrome,” a mind set in which men seem happy on the outside but are depressed and dying on the inside.  “Men tend to process emotions by ‘doing something’ at work or at home,” observed one participant. “…but by the end of the day, many men feel alone, like their cup is empty and they have no one who understands them or what they are going through.” 

At F3, workouts lasts around 45 minutes and ends with what F3Nation calls “the circle of trust” (the COT).  This is a space where men can share their fears about things holding them back.  Men encourage each other to reflect on overcoming fears and self-limiting thoughts, to reach out and talk with one another, while learning to lean on each other.  Gathering together, doing the workouts, fellowship and the sharing of faith, reassures men of not be along in their struggles. F3Nation gives men a sense of stability and hope.”   

Adam, a faithful participant, shared, “F3 has helped put purpose back into those things [marriage, work, and life] by giving me a base of support, other men’s experience and wisdom that I can draw on……It helped me with discipline that I didn’t know I needed, like deciding to see a therapist about some anger issues that I was having.  I don’t think I would have done that without another men helping, even pushing me to make me better.”

In this blog I have promoted fellowship and faith but have not stressed fitness.  I give myself a pass, since I am 82 years old.  But upon more reflection, I see the value of men meeting to include fitness in their hour together.  The workouts are open and free to all men and function as a place where men find out just now resilient they are and how they can do hard things and succeed.   “By leading the workout,” said one participant, “each man has the opportunity to learn how to lead and then takes those skills back into his home, to his work, and into his community.”

At the website, F3Nation has this slogan, “Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you find him.”  When I think of fitness and exercise, I think of “initiative,” “effort,” and “discipline.”  Men can challenge each other in the challenges of life.  Life is hard; sacrifice is called for; endurance for the long haul is expected.  “Never be lazy, but work and serve the Lord enthusiastically” (Rom. 12:11 NLT).  Are we giving our best effort for the Lord?   


April 15, 2024

Dear Ones,
Hope you enjoyed the beautiful weather over the weekend. Love the walks on the trail. When I came home from church on Saturday afternoon the hinge on my computer had popped off (more like exploded) and we took a trip to the geeks. They could not fix it and if we don’t find someone local who can, I will have to send it in, which may be 2 weeks. Just so you know if you don’t get devotions from me for a time.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
No one who is an island unto himself. To be whole and complete we need our lives. Friendships are important and we not only need to open our hand of friendship to others but to receive it ourselves. Hopefully, as you read this, that you are rich with friendships and treasure them. None of us are totally self-sufficient, nor should we be.

When I read of Jeremiah’s life, he spent a lot of time alone and yet he had several close friends; one who even saved him from being murdered under King Jehoiakim. There is also much written of Baruch who a very faithful friend and a scribe who wrote down what Jeremiah dictated, delivering it when asked. He was loyal and didn’t abandon Jeremiah though they went through one hard time after another.  Another friend was Ebed-melek, the Ethiopian Eunuch, who risked his own life to rescue Jeremiah out of a cistern, where he was left to die.

 Not many of our friends have physically saved our lives but I am full of gratitude for those friends that have helped me in my spiritual journey and who I can count on. I am especially grateful that they were willing to listen to my heart and speak truth to me when going through hard circumstances and praying over me and giving encouragement. I have also wept and prayed with friends as their burdens were shared. King Solomon says in Eccl. 4:9-10, “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and had not another to lift him up!” Friends are important and a gift from the Lord. We need to be open to new friends as well as old. I often meet with a longtime special friend on our way to KS, and we will just seem to pick up where we last left off.

We are rich when we have friends who listen well, keep confidences, share truth, forgive, desire to grow in the Lord alongside of us, and give encouragement. Let us be that very kind of friend that we want to have.

Challenge for today: Pray and make time for friendships that the Lord sends your way.
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy

April 13, 2024

Dear Ones,
Hope you have a wonderful weekend and use the opportunities the Lord sends your way! I plan to clean the apartment and go to a baby shower at church for 3 gals who chose to keep their babies. PTL!
Devotions from Judy’s heart
I don’t like waste and it is hard for me to throw away things that others can use. I love that where we live, if we don’t need an item, we simply put it on a give-away table where others may claim it as a treasure. Or if I have too much fruit or veggies that are ripening, I just hang a bag of them on a doorknob of someone who I know is glad to receive them. Even Jesus when He fed the 5,000 people with 5 loaves and 2 fish, didn’t waste the 12 baskets of leftovers, but had them collected.

But more importantly than physical waste is a wasted life of time, talents, health, energy, etc. that God has given us. He has put gifts in each of us but if we just let them lay dormant and fail to use them, they are wasted. Many people get to the end of their lives and wish they had made better decisions and didn’t base their careers on money but rather followed what they really found joy in doing. Other people wasted their physical bodies by taking drugs and doing many harmful things to their body. Then one day, they reap and are sorry but have to live with the consequences. Something we may all be guilty of is wasting time as we go to Facebook and scroll down or play one game after another, and soon realize how much time has passed. We also have all wasted money on things we buy and never use, or things we can’t wait to get so end up paying additional interest.

Let us not get preoccupied with lesser things than what God has for us. The enemy wants to get us distracted and lose sight of what is most important. We need to be focused and pay attention to how the Lord is leading us. It means often saying no to other things that eat up our time rather than pursuing the Lord. God can do great things through ordinary people if we put Him first; just like the disciples who were simple fishermen, tax collector, etc. but did extraordinary things. Let us use the opportunities the Lord gives us and not waste the gifts He has given.

Challenge for today: Say no to waste and instead seek what is most important and use what God has given you.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

April 12, 2024

Dear Ones,
Happy weekend to you! The weeks go so fast and here it is Friday already! Today I plan to study, shop and to work in the kitchen; Al has been enjoying my new recipes but not all will be made again.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
I was fortunate to be raised in a church that helped in the support of many missionaries. When they were home on furlough they spoke at church and Bible camp and showed us a whole world that was not like ours.  Growing up we had a big map of the world on our dining room wall, with markers on various countries of missionaries we were familiar with and prayed for daily. At one point when I was quite young, we had 2 missionaries from China stay with us for 6 months in our two-bedroom home with already 5 people living.

 At an early age I learned that Jesus was for all people of the world and all colors, and not just those who were like me. They didn’t all speak the same or look like us and some taught us Swahili words as we tried singing in another language. It was similar when I got married and our parsonage was often frequented by missionaries who had exciting stories to tell our kids as well. I think the  Bible smuggler that stayed with us was their all-time favorites!

But through our experiences we came to understand that the Body of Christ is rich and made up of many different kinds of people whose common denominator is Jesus. Even when we can’t understand their language we still seem to communicate in the spirit. God’s mercy is so vast and extends to all the corners of the earth. While reading the book of Jeremiah, I noted Jeremiah gave messages from the Lord to 10 different nations. It doesn’t matter where we come from, we are all in need of the Lord and once we receive Him, we are to share Him with whoever He leads us to for “God so loved the whole world.” (John 3:16) Let us not just huddle with people similar to us, but open our hearts and let them be stretched to include all.

Challenge for today: When noticing someone who seems on the fringes, invite them in and share your common need of the Lord.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

April 11, 2024

Dear Ones,
Hope you say yes to all that the Lord has for you in this day. Al is off to Men’s group and later we have Bible study. I am making a new recipe again today, and hope it is good. It is also Donut Day here!
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Do we live each day by faith? That doesn’t mean just believing in Christ as our Savior but also times He may ask us to take a step forward into something new He has for us, even though we don’t know what will happen. Today I read from Hebrews 11:8 of Abraham who it says, “by an act of faith, Abraham said yes to God’s call to travel to an unknown place that would become his home. When he left he had no idea where he was going.” He took a risk but obeyed and went in obedience. Sometimes God gives us a special sense that we are to do something, and it may not make sense to us. We will find that we will experience joy if we act in obedience and live life with a sense of excitement, because we don’t know yet what God has in His plans. It’s somewhat like walking in just enough light to see a path, but not knowing where it is taking us. But we know we can trust the One who is the Light.

What we must not do is to remain passive and refuse to respond to His promptings. We have all met Christians who were saved years ago but have not grown spiritually through the years. They are asleep and miss maturing in their spiritual lives. I believe in our day, that is an especially dangerous place to be as our culture gets darker as it resists God’s ways. We are told to be alert, active, give attention, and be persistent.  We are going to have to choose if we go along with the world, or if we will take our stand for the Lord. Will we be complacent or will we be passionate and progress in our walk with the Lord.

We need to exercise our faith as Abraham did and respond without knowing what the purpose of our circumstances my be at the time. But we can pray, seek His will, and choose now what will turn out for our good later. I just think back on all the moves we have made as a pastor’s family. We never knew when the Lord was going to move us on to another church, but knew He would take care of us and bless us. If we had stayed put, we would have missed so much, and never known the special people He has brought into our lives etc. Let us live with faith and openness to what the Lord has for us next.

Challenge for today: Ask the Lord to help you move forward into all He has planned for you.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

April 10, 2024

Dear Ones,
Hope you have a “practical day”, doing what God directs you to do! I plan to go to exercise class, crafts and Bible study and also try out new recipes. Al is only too happy to be the taster! Emoji
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Would you say you are a practical person… efficient and quick and know how to get things done? Eugene Peterson writes about how what is biblical and practical are essentially synonymous. If it is Biblical, it is practical and if it is practical, it is biblical. I had never thought about it before but even though we may be super-efficient, if it is not Biblical, we waste much time in things that are not lasting and lead us away from God.

When I read about Jeremiah, I see that he was very practical but if seen from the world’s perspective, it may seem he was very impractical. God told him to buy a field on land that was going to be taken over by the enemy and he and others of his people were going to go into exile. Those looking on must have thought Jeremiah was crazy and totally impractical to buy that field, but he was following what God told him to do. God was using his life as an outward picture of hope to the people that they would one day come back to their land. Judgement was coming to them for they had forgotten God, but He was calling them back.

   God is the most important reality, and our lives were made to live in relationship with Him. If God tells us to do something, then the most practical thing is to do it. If we live apart from God, we wander about and waste our lives.  Sometimes what God asks us to do seems impractical and foolish to those looking on, but if we obey Him when we feel He is the one directing us, then we are doing the most practical thing of all. In Jer. 32:27, God confirms His direction to Jeremiah and says, “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is anything too hard for me?”  Jeremiah is filled with hope that the people will one day come back to their land. There are times I also ask God to confirm what I think I am supposed to do, and I love when He lets me know in the most unusual ways at times. Let us all live practically for Him and never lose hope.

Challenge for today: Listen to the Lord for direction and go His way and watch Him act.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

April 9, 2024

Dear Ones,
Hope you wake to a day of openness to the Lord and seeing ways change may be needed. A question for you today, “Has the Lord been trying to get your attention on something in your life that you have been blind to but now needs to be delt with?”
Later today we are invited to friends for a time of fellowship.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  How many times do we mistakenly think that we are responsible for our spiritual growth and we often try by our will power to change in areas that we see the need.   We may read lots of books of how to grow spiritually and try to follow steps that are often simply self-help, leaving us still in charge. But it doesn’t work that way when we take control, and we will end in frustration. The secret is that our spiritual formation is a work of the Spirit, and we need to get out of the way so the Spirit can do His work in us. Jesus says we must become like children and as we do that, we hear the stories in scripture and let the Spirit work on us.
  I was recently reading the World Mission Prayer League’s newsletter and the Director writes about his experience when an Executive Coach came to assess how he was doing his job. He writes he was partially looking forward to hearing how well he was doing but also areas he needed to improve. We all have blind spots where we are not seeing ourselves realistically. He saw things that needed to be corrected, like judgmental attitudes and making assumptions etc. We all need to be open to our blind areas if we want to grow in the Lord and get along well with others in community. As we see these areas that limit our freedom, we can humbly ask The Lord to work the changes in us.
  It’s important that we don’t reject the work of the Holy Spirit but let Him have free reign. Can we be brave enough to pray as Mary spoke to the angel after receiving the news about bearing the Son of God, “Let it be done unto me according to your word.” Often the Holy Spirit’s work is underground, and we may not be aware of what He is doing at the time and how He is changing us. But God is in the details and will bring the needed change in us if we are open. He will also help us to love others where they are at, and we will open our hearts to them without judgment. Let us cooperate with the Spirit and not reject what He will do in us.
  Challenge for today: Quit trying so hard to grow and simply drink in the Word and let the Holy Spirit do a work in you.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

The Cluster B Society

In an insightful City Journal article, Christopher Rufo observed, “There is a creeping sense that our society has turned upside-down.  Healthy debate is replaced by activist hysterics.  Speech is declared violence; violence is excused as speech.  Masculinity is condemned as ‘toxic,’ while men in dresses are celebrated in the public square.  It feels as if we are in the midst of a society-wide mental breakdown.”

Rufo goes on to say, “A strange new pattern of psychological dysfunction has infiltrated all our institutions … that creeping feeling sets in: our society is sick; our institutions are out of balance; our public life has been consumed by a cluster of disorders that appeal to our worst instincts and derange our most vital social functions.”  What is emerging is something new: the “Cluster B society,” which is “heavily influenced by the rise of personal pathologies and the power of … social media.”  

Four psychopathologies and personality disorders capture the spirit of our modern culture, thus creating the Cluster B society: the narcissist, the borderline, the histrionic, and antisocial.  The narcissistic personality has a sense of entitlement, the borderline personality is marked by an unstable sense of identity, the histrionic personality exhibits excessive emotionality, sexual provocation and attention-seeking, while the antisocial personality displays impulsivity, manipulation, disregard for others, tending toward violence and aggression. 

The emerging Cluster B society can also be found in positions of power and our highest institutions.  “The Cluster B traits have been formalized and entrenched in our human resource departments, government policies, cultural institutions, and civil rights laws.”  Rufo maintains, “The modern university is the primary replication site for the Cluster B pathologies.”  Pathocracy rules, that is, psychological dysfunction.  

Rufo sites social critic Heather MacDonald, who argues that with the rise of female college administrators, an obsession with “safety” and “victimhood” has emerged, in which students are validated for their self-pity.  From the university, the culture of Cluster B has spread outward.  Social media accelerates the trend.  “Sites such as TikTok have become a petri dish for incubating mental illness, especially in teenage girls, who mimic the Cluster B behaviors they see online and register skyrocketing rates of anxiety and depression.”

Some critics see this development as “the Longhouse” effect – “a matriarchal form of society that privileges the values of care, concern, and feminine social strategies.”  Rufo worries that this shift to a “female future” has consequences.  “Overly feminized leadership produces exactly the kind of Cluster B society we observe today: one in which identity is rewarded over merit, victimhood is prized over competence, and antisocial behavior goes unchecked.  Moral narcissism becomes the coin of the realm, and political conflicts are settled through blackmail and manipulation.”  

Rufo concludes by warning, “We must understand the peculiar logic and rationality of Cluster B society … If we do not, we will resign ourselves to a world gone mad.  The spontaneous life and beauty that are the fruits of a more balanced society will be snuffed out by grim commissars administering a Cluster B pathocracy.” 

In my humble opinion the Cluster B society is a crisis in masculinity.  A 1985 quote from Leanne Payne in the past sounds almost prophetic: “A crisis in masculinity is always a crisis in truth.  It is a crisis in powerlessness of the feminine virtues: the good, the beautiful, and the just … A culture will never become decadent in the face of a healthy, balanced masculinity.  When a nation or an entire Western culture backslides, it is the masculine which is the first to decline.” 

“Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.” (I Cor. 16:13)

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